Saturday, February 25, 2012
RS enhancements planned for VS 2005?
functionality. Though the report designer is available from the Business
Intelligence Development Studio rather than VS.Net, I can't find any
significant enhancements in this rev of RS over the SQL 2000 SP 1 (i.e.
support for rich text in text boxes, XML data source support, custom control
support, improved wizards, etc.).
Is this correct? Are there enhancements to RS planned before final release?
When will the RS release plan for SQL 2005 be announced? Will Beta 3 be
Jeff DavisRS in SQL 2005 Beta 2 is primarily a port of RS2K SP1.
All new reporting services feature work is being done in a separate code
branch and will be merged in for Beta 3.
If you have additional questions and comments on SQL 2005 Beta 2, your best
source of information is the beta newsgroups rather than here.
This post is provided 'AS IS' with no warranties, and confers no rights. All
rights reserved. Some assembly required. Batteries not included. Your
mileage may vary. Objects in mirror may be closer than they appear. No user
serviceable parts inside. Opening cover voids warranty. Keep out of reach of
children under 3.
"Jeff Davis" <> wrote in message
> I just downloaded SQL Server 2005 Beta 2 and looked over the RS
> functionality. Though the report designer is available from the Business
> Intelligence Development Studio rather than VS.Net, I can't find any
> significant enhancements in this rev of RS over the SQL 2000 SP 1 (i.e.
> support for rich text in text boxes, XML data source support, custom
> support, improved wizards, etc.).
> Is this correct? Are there enhancements to RS planned before final
> When will the RS release plan for SQL 2005 be announced? Will Beta 3 be
> feature-complete?
> Thanks.
> Jeff Davis
RS E-Mails Not Sending
end-user. However, the reports only work maybe 3 days out of the week the
other times the e-mails to not get sent. Has anyone ran into this problem
before? I am using SMTP.
Thank You.Do the log files contain any errors? Does the subscription status show
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
"Andy Jones" <> wrote in message
>I have some subscriptions setup that automatically e-mail reports to the
>end-user. However, the reports only work maybe 3 days out of the week the
>other times the e-mails to not get sent. Has anyone ran into this problem
>before? I am using SMTP.
> Thank You.
>|||I don't see anything that I am aware of in the subscription. I am not sure
what log files to look in?
thank you.
"Daniel Reib [MSFT]" <> wrote in message
> Do the log files contain any errors? Does the subscription status show
> anything?
> --
> -Daniel
> This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no
> rights.
> "Andy Jones" <> wrote in message
> news:eW5xs1qwFHA.1148@.TK2MSFTNGP11.phx.gbl...
>>I have some subscriptions setup that automatically e-mail reports to the
>>end-user. However, the reports only work maybe 3 days out of the week the
>>other times the e-mails to not get sent. Has anyone ran into this problem
>>before? I am using SMTP.
>> Thank You.
rs drops first column in data set
The data set ‘WeeklyManagement’ contains a definition for the field ‘BrewNumber’. This field is missing from the returned result set from the data source.
I get this error when I try to preview the report. The missing field is always the first column in the dataset. I have tried everything I can think of, including repeating the column, rewriting the sproc, rewriting the report, everything. I cannot find any reason why this should be happening. Can anyone help? BTW, when I create the dataset and run the sproc, all fields are returned fine. When I examine the xml, all the fields are there, correctly defined.
Help, please! TIA. D. Lewis
Can you publish the sproc? Print statements did this to us in the past.|||Hmmm. Very interesting. Following is the sproc, which I altered to comment out the 'Print' statements (yes, I did have some in there for debugging purposes). I also as an experiment repeated the first column to see if it would work, and RS began dropping that new column; error message as below:
Build complete -- 0 errors, 0 warnings
The data set ‘WeeklyManagement’ contains a definition for the field ‘B’. This field is missing from the returned result set from the data source.
Preview complete -- 0 errors, 1 warnings
The sproc is a bit messy, and uses a temp table, but for completeness' sake here it is:
use snb01
Alter PROCEDURE spBrewhouseOverview
Declare @.BeginDate smalldatetime
Declare @.EndDate smalldatetime
Set @.BeginDate = DATEADD(dd,-45,Getdate())--'9/1/05'
set @.EndDate = Getdate()--'9/15/05'
--Print convert(varchar,@.begindate)
--Print convert(varchar,@.enddate)
--spBrewhouseOverview '8/2/05','8/3/05'
--Have to convert the dates to char then to date again
--to strip out the time portion that crystall passes
--also added one day to the end time to
--allow for the fact that the end day would be midnight
--at the beginning of the ending day, which would otherwise
--effectively eliminate all brews on that day from showing up.
CREATE TABLE [#tblOverview] (
[ID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
[ProBrewID] [int] NULL,
[BrewNumber] [int] NULL ,
[Kettle] [char] (12) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[StartTimeInKettle] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
[StartTimeBoil] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
[EndTimeBoil] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
[Hop1Time] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
[Hop2Time] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
[MossTime] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
[Hop3Time] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
[Hop4Time] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
/*[StartTimeMash] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
[SaccReqTime] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
[SaccTime] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
[MashOutTime] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
[StartTimeInLauter] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
[StartTimeVorlauf] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
[StartTimeLauter] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
[EndTimeLauter] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
[GravityVorlauf] [int] NULL ,
[GravityFirstRunnings] [int] NULL ,
[GravityLastRunnings] [int] NULL ,
[GravityLauter] [int] NULL ,
[HazeFirstRunnings] [int] NULL ,
[HazeLauterVorlauf] [int] NULL ,
[HazeLauterLauter] [int] NULL ,*/
[StartTimeRest] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
[StartTimeWhirlWaterVor] [smalldatetime] NULL,
/*[MashHour] [int] NULL,
[LauterHour] [int] NULL,
[KettleHour] [int] NULL,
[WhirlpoolHour] [int] NULL,
[BrewerMash] [Varchar] (20) NULL,
[BrewerLauter] [Varchar] (20) NULL,*/
[BrewerKettle] [Varchar] (20) NULL,
[BrewerWhirlpool] [Varchar] (20) NULL,
INSERT #tblOverview
, Brewnumber
, Kettle
, StarttimeInKettle
, StartTimeBoil
, EndTimeBoil
, Hop1Time
, Hop2Time
, MossTime
, Hop3Time
, Hop4Time/*
, StartTimeMash
, SaccReqTime
, SaccTime
, MashOutTime
, StartTimeInLauter
, StartTimeVorlauf
, StartTimeLauter
, EndTimeLauter
, GravityVorlauf
, GravityFirstRunnings
, GravityLastRunnings
, GravityLauter
, HazeFirstRunnings
, HazeLauterVorlauf
, HazeLauterLauter*/
, StartTimeRest
, StartTimeWhirlWaterVor)
Select a.probrewid
, a.Brewnumber
, a.Kettle
, a.StarttimeInKettle
, a.StartTimeBoil
, a.EndTimeBoil
, a.Hop1Time
, a.Hop2Time
, a.MossTime
, a.Hop3Time
, a.Hop4Time
/*, b.StartTimeMash
, b.SaccReqTime
, b.SaccTime
, b.MashOutTime
, c.StartTimeInLauter
, c.StartTimeVorlauf
, c.StartTimeLauter
, c.EndTimeLauter
, c.GravityVorlauf
, c.GravityFirstRunnings
, c.GravityLastRunnings
, c.GravityLauter
, c.HazeFirstRunnings
, c.HazeLauterVorlauf
, c.HazeLauterLauter*/
, d.StartTimeRest
, d.StartTimeWhirlWaterVor
FROM Proleit.dbo.tblRptKettleAll a
INNER JOIN Proleit.dbo.tblRptMashingAll b on a.Probrewid=b.probrewid
INNER JOIN Proleit.dbo.tblRptLauterAll c on a.Probrewid=c.Probrewid
INNER JOIN Proleit.dbo.tblRptWhirlpoolAll d on a.Probrewid=d.probrewid
WHERE a.StartTimeBoil>=CONVERT(datetime,(CONVERT(varchar,@.BeginDate,112)))
AND a.StartTimeBoil<= DATEADD(day,1,CONVERT(datetime,(CONVERT(varchar,@.EndDate,112))))
--Comment out for troubleshooting
--declare a cursor for the table, loop through
--and update each brewer
DECLARE CurC CURSOR FOR SELECT Probrewid,MossTime,StartTimeRest
FROM #tblOverview
DECLARE @.Probrewid int
DECLARE @.TimeMoss datetime
DECLARE @.TimeWhirl datetime
FETCH NEXT FROM CurC INTO @.probrewid,@.TimeMoss,@.TimeWhirl
--Print convert(varchar,@.probrewid) + ' is probrewid'
--Print convert(varchar,@.TimeMoss) + ' is @.TimeMoss'
--Exec spBrewhouseOverviewSacc @.probrewid,@.timeSacc
--Exec spBrewhouseOverviewVorlauf @.probrewid,@.timeVorlauf
Exec Proleit.dbo.spBrewhouseOverviewKettle @.probrewid,@.timeMoss
Exec Proleit.dbo.spBrewhouseOverviewWhirlpool @.probrewid,@.timeWhirl
FETCH NEXT FROM CurC INTO @.probrewid,@.TimeMoss,@.TimeWhirl
UPDATE #tblOverview
SET BrewerKettle='None Recorded'
WHERE BrewerKettle is null
UPDATE #tblOverview
SET BrewerWhirlpool='None Recorded'
WHERE BrewerWhirlpool is null
a.BrewNumber as B
, a.BrewNumber
, a.Kettle
, Convert(datetime,Convert(varchar,a.StartTimeInKettle,110)) as BrewDate
, DATEDIFF(n,MossTime,Hop3Time) as Minutes
, BrewerKettle as Brewer
, 'Hop3Time' as Type
FROM #tblOverview a
WHERE DATEDIFF(n,MossTime,Hop3Time)<10
OR DATEDIFF(n,MossTime,Hop3Time)>13
a.BrewNumber as B
, a.BrewNumber
, a.Kettle
, Convert(datetime,Convert(varchar,a.StartTimeInKettle,110)) as BrewDate
, DATEDIFF(n,Hop3Time,Hop4Time) as Minutes
, BrewerKettle as Brewer
, 'Hop4Time' as Type
FROM #tblOverview a
WHERE DATEDIFF(n,Hop3Time,Hop4Time)<10
OR DATEDIFF(n,Hop3Time,Hop4Time) > 13
a.BrewNumber as B
, a.BrewNumber
, a.Kettle
, Convert(datetime,Convert(varchar,a.StartTimeInKettle,110)) as BrewDate
, DATEDIFF(n,StartTimeRest,StartTimeWhirlWaterVor) as Minutes
, BrewerWhirlpool
, 'WhirlpoolTime' as Type
FROM #tblOverview a
WHERE DATEDIFF(n,StartTimeRest,StartTimeWhirlWaterVor)>21
Drop Table #tblOverview
|||If you're not working with a whole lot of data, an @.Table variable instead of a temp table may be more efficient and you won't need the drop table statement at the end.
Try adding to your UNION ALL statements with a select statement at the top that sets a default value.... eg. SELECT 0 as B, 0 as BrewNumber, 0 as Kettle, 0 as BrewDate, etc.... to see if it is a problem with the naming of the fields and the first result set not returning a value.
Maybe dump that above dummy SELECT statement in various places within the stored procedure, so that you can find out where it is breaking. (not returning the right result set)
It could have something to do with the 2 execs you have going there... It would be interesting to see the SQL messages pane.|||I will set to work on those suggestions, thanks.
Just to clarify, the result set returned in Query Analyzer is fine, with no errors and no messages. When I refresh the dataset from within visual studio while designing the report, I also get the entire set with no issues. It is only when I try to preview the report that the thing bonks -- i.e., the first column is dropped and VS tells me that it is not defined.
Also, I went back and examined the two 'exec ....' statements, and they are simple update statements, with no 'Print....' or anything else. Very innocuous, actually. I placed them in separate sprocs because they are reused elsewhere and are long.
RS driving nuts :(..
for instance, if I reset the Border from "No Border" to "Bottom Border" for
a partcular cell, save the changes, Rebuild the report; the final report
still does not the changes show the updated Border of the cell.
Similarly, adjusting the row height of a cell or adjusting the column widths
still causes empry spaces to appear in the row and blank pages in the pdf
None of the changes are updated after a built. This is really driving me
nuts. Pls. help. The formatting's taking lot of time.
Does the SP1 support strong formatting/pdf export? I need to urgently submit
this report to a client and hence have been reluctant to apply the new patch
in a fear of breaking something.It took me a while to figure out the boarder stuff in RS, too.
Those values are for each cell in the table. So, if you turn the bottom boarder off on a cell and the top boarder is on for the
cell under it then the cell will look like it still had the bottom boarder.
As for as the blank pages in the PDF. This one took me a while to realize what was happening.
What I found is that the space of the report plus the margins that I was using for the report were greater then the size of the
paper that I was exporting the report to. Be sure the sum of those two measurements are less then the dimension of your page.
Hope this helps!
"newmem" <""> wrote in message news:%23ULthaTWEHA.2928@.tk2msftngp13.phx.gbl...
> There seems to be lot of issues with formatting the appearance of the cells.
> for instance, if I reset the Border from "No Border" to "Bottom Border" for
> a partcular cell, save the changes, Rebuild the report; the final report
> still does not the changes show the updated Border of the cell.
> Similarly, adjusting the row height of a cell or adjusting the column widths
> still causes empry spaces to appear in the row and blank pages in the pdf
> version.
> None of the changes are updated after a built. This is really driving me
> nuts. Pls. help. The formatting's taking lot of time.
> Does the SP1 support strong formatting/pdf export? I need to urgently submit
> this report to a client and hence have been reluctant to apply the new patch
> in a fear of breaking something.
>|||A couple of additional thoughts.
If you first click on a table row or column selector any border
modifications will be applied to the entire row or column.
To avoid the extra pages in PDF please check that
(Report.PageWidth - Report.LeftMargin - Report.Right Margin) >= Body.Width
Bruce Johnson [MSFT]
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
"Scott Meddows" <> wrote in message
> It took me a while to figure out the boarder stuff in RS, too.
> Those values are for each cell in the table. So, if you turn the bottom
boarder off on a cell and the top boarder is on for the
> cell under it then the cell will look like it still had the bottom
> As for as the blank pages in the PDF. This one took me a while to realize
what was happening.
> What I found is that the space of the report plus the margins that I was
using for the report were greater then the size of the
> paper that I was exporting the report to. Be sure the sum of those two
measurements are less then the dimension of your page.
> Hope this helps!
> "newmem" <""> wrote in message
> > There seems to be lot of issues with formatting the appearance of the
> > for instance, if I reset the Border from "No Border" to "Bottom Border"
> > a partcular cell, save the changes, Rebuild the report; the final report
> > still does not the changes show the updated Border of the cell.
> > Similarly, adjusting the row height of a cell or adjusting the column
> > still causes empry spaces to appear in the row and blank pages in the
> > version.
> >
> > None of the changes are updated after a built. This is really driving me
> > nuts. Pls. help. The formatting's taking lot of time.
> >
> > Does the SP1 support strong formatting/pdf export? I need to urgently
> > this report to a client and hence have been reluctant to apply the new
> > in a fear of breaking something.
> >
> >
>|||Indeed, the border formatting is a bit tricky. Nevertheless I got acceptable
results in a quick time using the print preview. It's faster than a build
and comes very close to e.g. the PDF layout.
roland|||thanks guys.
After much manipulating the values of the left/right margin and the column
spacing, I think I got rid of the blank page.
The following might be helpful to note:
(FYI:) The new Wrox book on RS says that with multiple columns, reporting
services uses the following equation:
Report Page Width >= (Body Width * No. of Columns) + (column spacing * (No.
of columns -1 )
"Roland" <> wrote in message
> Indeed, the border formatting is a bit tricky. Nevertheless I got
> results in a quick time using the print preview. It's faster than a build
> and comes very close to e.g. the PDF layout.
> roland
RS doesn't works under ASP.NET 2.0?
when I switch my reportserver virtual folder to the ASp.net2.0 I receive
this error:
"Failed to load expression host assembly"
this error appears only when I try to render a report, I can list reports or
I can access the webservice without any error.
any solution?
Jerome.RS 2000 is not a ASP.Net 2.0 app. It uses the 1.1 framework. RS 2005 is a
ASP.Net 2.0 app.
Bruce Loehle-Conger
MVP SQL Server Reporting Services
"Jéjé" <> wrote in message
> Hi,
> when I switch my reportserver virtual folder to the ASp.net2.0 I receive
> this error:
> "Failed to load expression host assembly"
> this error appears only when I try to render a report, I can list reports
> or I can access the webservice without any error.
> any solution?
> thanks.
> Jerome.
>|||I know, but, for example Sharepoint works fine under ASP.NET 2.0 and its a
1.1 software.
but if I switch the reportserver virtual directory from v1.1 to v2.0,
rendering a report stop working.
"Bruce L-C [MVP]" <> wrote in message
> RS 2000 is not a ASP.Net 2.0 app. It uses the 1.1 framework. RS 2005 is a
> ASP.Net 2.0 app.
> --
> Bruce Loehle-Conger
> MVP SQL Server Reporting Services
> "Jéjé" <> wrote in message
> news:%23ndrIwI9FHA.1332@.tk2msftngp13.phx.gbl...
>> Hi,
>> when I switch my reportserver virtual folder to the ASp.net2.0 I receive
>> this error:
>> "Failed to load expression host assembly"
>> this error appears only when I try to render a report, I can list reports
>> or I can access the webservice without any error.
>> any solution?
>> thanks.
>> Jerome.
>|||If you want RS to work, leave it alone at 1.1 or upgrade to RS 2005. Note
that you can leave SQL Server as 2000 and still upgrade RS to 2005. You do
need a 2005 license though. Beside additional features I noticed significant
performance improvements with RS 2005.
Bruce Loehle-Conger
MVP SQL Server Reporting Services
"Jéjé" <> wrote in message
>I know, but, for example Sharepoint works fine under ASP.NET 2.0 and its a
>1.1 software.
> but if I switch the reportserver virtual directory from v1.1 to v2.0,
> rendering a report stop working.
> "Bruce L-C [MVP]" <> wrote in message
> news:%232wwe4P9FHA.1248@.TK2MSFTNGP14.phx.gbl...
>> RS 2000 is not a ASP.Net 2.0 app. It uses the 1.1 framework. RS 2005 is a
>> ASP.Net 2.0 app.
>> --
>> Bruce Loehle-Conger
>> MVP SQL Server Reporting Services
>> "Jéjé" <> wrote in message
>> news:%23ndrIwI9FHA.1332@.tk2msftngp13.phx.gbl...
>> Hi,
>> when I switch my reportserver virtual folder to the ASp.net2.0 I receive
>> this error:
>> "Failed to load expression host assembly"
>> this error appears only when I try to render a report, I can list
>> reports or I can access the webservice without any error.
>> any solution?
>> thanks.
>> Jerome.
RS Does Not Recognize Temp Table Fields
DECLARE @.MainTable
DECLARE @.JoinTable
SELECT FROM @.MainTable JOIN ON @.JoinTable...
My problem is the field list does not recognize all the fields; all the
original fields are in the @.MainTable but only the first 3 from the
@.JoinTable. I tried to add additional fields to the @.MainTable and they are
not recognized. I have tried the Field Refresh Button, manually adding
fields to the list and hacking the RDL field list. Each time I manually add,
I get an index out of bounds error when trying to run the report. If I then
hit the refresh button the fields I have manually added are removed'
Also, must the field names be unique among the temp tables? I assumed not
since they are in separate queries.
Many thanks for any helpFirst off, even if you get this to work it won't work for you. Let me
explain. What happens with using temp tables in the generic query designer
is the same thing that happens if you post the below code in query analyzer
and hit execute twice. The first time it will work, the second time it will
error out because the tables already exist. So even if this worked for you
in development when you deploy it the report would work the first time. If
the user click on refresh report it will die (I haven't done this in 2005
but I did try this out in 2000 and I doubt if this would have changed). The
reason is what is going on with connection pooling. Dropping the tables at
the end would probably not work either because it would probably do this
before RS is done with them.
I suggest creating a stored procedure. Do not drop the temp tables, just let
them fall out of scope. Have your select statement be the last statement.
I do this all the time (multiple temp tables, lots of inserts, updates, join
etc between them).
Bruce Loehle-Conger
MVP SQL Server Reporting Services
"Mike Harbinger" <> wrote in message
>I am using the generic query designer and have defined 2 temp tables as
> DECLARE @.MainTable
> DECLARE @.JoinTable
> INSERT INTO @.MainTable
> INSERT INTO @.JoinTable
> SELECT FROM @.MainTable JOIN ON @.JoinTable...
> My problem is the field list does not recognize all the fields; all the
> original fields are in the @.MainTable but only the first 3 from the
> @.JoinTable. I tried to add additional fields to the @.MainTable and they
> are not recognized. I have tried the Field Refresh Button, manually adding
> fields to the list and hacking the RDL field list. Each time I manually
> add, I get an index out of bounds error when trying to run the report. If
> I then hit the refresh button the fields I have manually added are
> removed'
> Also, must the field names be unique among the temp tables? I assumed not
> since they are in separate queries.
> Many thanks for any help
Many thanks for your prompt reply. I found my problem was a simple one where
I had not included all the new fields in all the select statements. Your
point is well taken though and the use of the temp tables was a last resort
because I could not get the original more straight-forward query to work. I
was getting redundant hits as a result of a subquery so had to use this
approach to get it working for a deadline.
Surprisingly this approach does work in the preview panel as well as
deployed to the web. However the query does not execute inside of the data
panel; it just dies without any errors. I assume this is what you are
referring to.
Many thanks for all your help up here!
RS Documentation
I'm pretty new to Reporting services, and now I've gone through the
tutorials, and would like to figure out the best place to go for
documentation I can use for specifics, like a language reference. I have the
books on line, but they come up with the BOL for Visual Studio, so I can't
figure out how to search only the RS books online. What do people use for
searching specific RS topics?> Hello,
> I'm pretty new to Reporting services, and now I've gone through the
> tutorials, and would like to figure out the best place to go for
> documentation I can use for specifics, like a language reference. I
> have the books on line, but they come up with the BOL for Visual
> Studio, so I can't figure out how to search only the RS books online.
> What do people use for searching specific RS topics?
Google Groups and are both excellent resources
for research. You can access Books Online from the start menu via All programs
/ Microsoft SQL Server / Reporting Services / Documentation.
Med venlig hilsen,
Søren Lund|||Have you tried: All Programs->Microsoft SQL Server-> Reporting Services ->
Reporting Services Books Online?
Bruce Loehle-Conger
MVP SQL Server Reporting Services
"Søren Lund" <> wrote in message
>> Hello,
>> I'm pretty new to Reporting services, and now I've gone through the
>> tutorials, and would like to figure out the best place to go for
>> documentation I can use for specifics, like a language reference. I
>> have the books on line, but they come up with the BOL for Visual
>> Studio, so I can't figure out how to search only the RS books online.
>> What do people use for searching specific RS topics?
> Google Groups and are both excellent
> resources for research. You can access Books Online from the start menu
> via All programs / Microsoft SQL Server / Reporting Services /
> Documentation.
> --
> Med venlig hilsen,
> Søren Lund
>|||I am opening the Books Online. I have no option to open it under the SQL
start menu, but it opens up with my MSDN library / visual studio .NET 2003
books online. Can I open it alone or filter for only reporting services
topics? When I search for anything, I get all of the matches for the whole
visual studio collection.
Is there a way to find a list of all functions available in the Expression
"mahk" wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm pretty new to Reporting services, and now I've gone through the
> tutorials, and would like to figure out the best place to go for
> documentation I can use for specifics, like a language reference. I have the
> books on line, but they come up with the BOL for Visual Studio, so I can't
> figure out how to search only the RS books online. What do people use for
> searching specific RS topics?
RS documentation
where can I find a good documentation about RS for beginners ?
Do you want documentation for SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2000
Reporting Services?
The RS2000 Books Online is a separate download.
There are several competent books on Reporting Services 2000. One I
like is the one by Peter Blackburn and Bill Vaughn.
RS2005 BOL includes a Reporting Services tutorial which should get
anyone new to RS2005 started.
Andrew Watt
MVP - InfoPath
On Mon, 17 Oct 2005 13:13:00 +0200, "Adry" <> wrote:
>where can I find a good documentation about RS for beginners ?
RS Designer giving 'Unspecified Error' & 'SR.DESIGNERLOADEREditFai
and attempt to move an element in the report designer, I recieve an
Unspecified error, I continously get this error popping up - I have to close
VS.NET and reopen for the error messeges to stop. I also occasionally get the
'SR.DESIGNERLOADEREditFailed' Messege.
I have uninstalled RS Client and VS.NET, reinstalled both, and still get the
same errors. I have Windows XP SP1, VS.NET 2003 and applied SP1 to RS I don't
know if maybe there is a particular config change or hotfix needed for my
specific configuration for RS Designer to work correctly.
I hope anyone can help, as my group cannot deploy RS if I can't design any
reports.I have resolved the issue in a very bizzare way. So this is an FYI for those
who may encounter similar error messeges.
Upon moving an item after setting the 'Snap to Grid' to uncheck in Report
designer mode. Somehow the app had a conflict with the contents of the
ProviderRegKey ni the registry which was set to Clearcase. When I removed the
value and replaced it with 'Software\Microsoft\SourceSafe'. Everything works
I don't understand the logic of this, but thanks to a blog by someone with a
similar error in VS.NET but totally unrelated to Reporting Services... got me
to try this.
If an MVP can shine a little light on this... would be greatly appreiciated.
"d pak" wrote:
> When I uncheck the 'Snap to Grid' checkbox in the Report properties window,
> and attempt to move an element in the report designer, I recieve an
> Unspecified error, I continously get this error popping up - I have to close
> VS.NET and reopen for the error messeges to stop. I also occasionally get the
> 'SR.DESIGNERLOADEREditFailed' Messege.
> I have uninstalled RS Client and VS.NET, reinstalled both, and still get the
> same errors. I have Windows XP SP1, VS.NET 2003 and applied SP1 to RS I don't
> know if maybe there is a particular config change or hotfix needed for my
> specific configuration for RS Designer to work correctly.
> I hope anyone can help, as my group cannot deploy RS if I can't design any
> reports.
RS deployment on load balanced servers
Our server setup is as follows.
SQL Server 2000 clusters in active/passive. Load balanced web servers x 3.
One of which is a publisher with files replicated to the other two.
We'd like to set up reporting services, but need a bit of advice as to the
role of the report server.
Our plan is to set up RS on all three servers for load balancing, all
pointing to the same SQL cluster.
As I understand it, when an rdl file is deployed or uploaded to report
server, report server takes the file, breaks it down, encrypts it and
publishes it to the RS database. Is this correct? Doe RS have any other
function at this point? Are references to the reports stored on the IIS
In our setup when we publish to http://abcdefg/ReportServer, our content
switches will decide which server the report is sent to. If it *doesn't* go
to our publishing server, do we need to be concerned with replication?
Also, what issues do we face RE encryption key on the three servers? We need
to ensure that they are all the same. Is this something that can be specified
during setup?
I Hope this makes sense!
JoeThis is 100% supported configuration. Search BOL for web farm (if you do not
have RS installed yet and don't have BOL then you can search the Microsoft
site for this). I don't have a web farm configuration but based on my
experience with RS this is what happens: In a web farm all the server front
ends use the same SQL Server database. So, when you deploy you only need to
deploy once and that gets the information used by the app into the database.
RS has three parts. The SQL Server database object store, and two
1.1 applications. One of the applications is core to the product, it does
all the rendering of the reports and uses the object store. The other
(Report Manager) you can consider a portal. This is optional, some people
use either URL integration or webservices and have their own front end
instead of using Report Manager.
Note that for a web farm you need to have enterprise licenses. Not only for
the SQL server cluster you have but you need an SQL Server interprise
license for each IIS server in your web farm. Every server used by RS has to
have a SQL Server license.
Bruce Loehle-Conger
MVP SQL Server Reporting Services
"Joe" <> wrote in message
> Could anybody offer any advice on the internal mechanics of report server?
> Our server setup is as follows.
> SQL Server 2000 clusters in active/passive. Load balanced web servers x 3.
> One of which is a publisher with files replicated to the other two.
> We'd like to set up reporting services, but need a bit of advice as to the
> role of the report server.
> Our plan is to set up RS on all three servers for load balancing, all
> pointing to the same SQL cluster.
> As I understand it, when an rdl file is deployed or uploaded to report
> server, report server takes the file, breaks it down, encrypts it and
> publishes it to the RS database. Is this correct? Doe RS have any other
> function at this point? Are references to the reports stored on the IIS
> server?
> In our setup when we publish to http://abcdefg/ReportServer, our content
> switches will decide which server the report is sent to. If it *doesn't*
> to our publishing server, do we need to be concerned with replication?
> Also, what issues do we face RE encryption key on the three servers? We
> to ensure that they are all the same. Is this something that can be
> during setup?
> I Hope this makes sense!
> Joe|||Thanks for the information Bruce. It looks like our options are to compromise
our SQL cluster by putting IIS and RS on it, something anybody with an ounce
of sense wouldn't do, or to pay MS for 3 additional enterprise liscences! I
don't know about you, but this seems to me like this is a liscence to print
"Bruce L-C [MVP]" wrote:
> This is 100% supported configuration. Search BOL for web farm (if you do not
> have RS installed yet and don't have BOL then you can search the Microsoft
> site for this). I don't have a web farm configuration but based on my
> experience with RS this is what happens: In a web farm all the server front
> ends use the same SQL Server database. So, when you deploy you only need to
> deploy once and that gets the information used by the app into the database.
> RS has three parts. The SQL Server database object store, and two
> 1.1 applications. One of the applications is core to the product, it does
> all the rendering of the reports and uses the object store. The other
> (Report Manager) you can consider a portal. This is optional, some people
> use either URL integration or webservices and have their own front end
> instead of using Report Manager.
> Note that for a web farm you need to have enterprise licenses. Not only for
> the SQL server cluster you have but you need an SQL Server interprise
> license for each IIS server in your web farm. Every server used by RS has to
> have a SQL Server license.
> --
> Bruce Loehle-Conger
> MVP SQL Server Reporting Services
> "Joe" <> wrote in message
> > Could anybody offer any advice on the internal mechanics of report server?
> >
> > Our server setup is as follows.
> >
> > SQL Server 2000 clusters in active/passive. Load balanced web servers x 3.
> > One of which is a publisher with files replicated to the other two.
> >
> > We'd like to set up reporting services, but need a bit of advice as to the
> > role of the report server.
> >
> > Our plan is to set up RS on all three servers for load balancing, all
> > pointing to the same SQL cluster.
> >
> > As I understand it, when an rdl file is deployed or uploaded to report
> > server, report server takes the file, breaks it down, encrypts it and
> > publishes it to the RS database. Is this correct? Doe RS have any other
> > function at this point? Are references to the reports stored on the IIS
> > server?
> >
> > In our setup when we publish to http://abcdefg/ReportServer, our content
> > switches will decide which server the report is sent to. If it *doesn't*
> go
> > to our publishing server, do we need to be concerned with replication?
> >
> > Also, what issues do we face RE encryption key on the three servers? We
> need
> > to ensure that they are all the same. Is this something that can be
> specified
> > during setup?
> >
> > I Hope this makes sense!
> >
> > Joe
>|||Depends on your licensing how bad a hit it is. If you are doing processor
licenses then it is a pretty big hit. If all you are paying for is the
server license then not too bad (especially if you compare against Crystal
or BO). In my case my corporation has SQL Server client licenses covered for
all PCs so I have no CALs to do, just the server license. It is a different
story if you are doing processor licenses.
Bruce Loehle-Conger
MVP SQL Server Reporting Services
"Joe" <> wrote in message
> Thanks for the information Bruce. It looks like our options are to
> our SQL cluster by putting IIS and RS on it, something anybody with an
> of sense wouldn't do, or to pay MS for 3 additional enterprise liscences!
> don't know about you, but this seems to me like this is a liscence to
> money!
> "Bruce L-C [MVP]" wrote:
> > This is 100% supported configuration. Search BOL for web farm (if you do
> > have RS installed yet and don't have BOL then you can search the
> > site for this). I don't have a web farm configuration but based on my
> > experience with RS this is what happens: In a web farm all the server
> > ends use the same SQL Server database. So, when you deploy you only need
> > deploy once and that gets the information used by the app into the
> > RS has three parts. The SQL Server database object store, and two
> > 1.1 applications. One of the applications is core to the product, it
> > all the rendering of the reports and uses the object store. The other
> > (Report Manager) you can consider a portal. This is optional, some
> > use either URL integration or webservices and have their own front end
> > instead of using Report Manager.
> >
> > Note that for a web farm you need to have enterprise licenses. Not only
> > the SQL server cluster you have but you need an SQL Server interprise
> > license for each IIS server in your web farm. Every server used by RS
has to
> > have a SQL Server license.
> >
> >
> > --
> > Bruce Loehle-Conger
> > MVP SQL Server Reporting Services
> >
> > "Joe" <> wrote in message
> >
> > > Could anybody offer any advice on the internal mechanics of report
> > >
> > > Our server setup is as follows.
> > >
> > > SQL Server 2000 clusters in active/passive. Load balanced web servers
x 3.
> > > One of which is a publisher with files replicated to the other two.
> > >
> > > We'd like to set up reporting services, but need a bit of advice as to
> > > role of the report server.
> > >
> > > Our plan is to set up RS on all three servers for load balancing, all
> > > pointing to the same SQL cluster.
> > >
> > > As I understand it, when an rdl file is deployed or uploaded to report
> > > server, report server takes the file, breaks it down, encrypts it and
> > > publishes it to the RS database. Is this correct? Doe RS have any
> > > function at this point? Are references to the reports stored on the
> > > server?
> > >
> > > In our setup when we publish to http://abcdefg/ReportServer, our
> > > switches will decide which server the report is sent to. If it
> > go
> > > to our publishing server, do we need to be concerned with replication?
> > >
> > > Also, what issues do we face RE encryption key on the three servers?
> > need
> > > to ensure that they are all the same. Is this something that can be
> > specified
> > > during setup?
> > >
> > > I Hope this makes sense!
> > >
> > > Joe
> >
> >
> >|||Per processor licenses!!
RS deactivated after upgrade from Win 2000 to W2k3
After I have upgraded my server, RS stop working .
a.. The report server cannot decrypt the symmetric key used to access
sensitive or encrypted data in a report server database. You must either
restore a backup key or delete all encrypted content and then restart the
service. Check the documentation for more information.
(rsReportServerDisabled) Get Online Help
a.. Bad Data.
I have the Key (exported using the rskeymgmt utility)
But I can't reapply the key:
an "Unable to connect to the database" error appear when I try to reapply
the key.
I have lost a document on the Microsoft web site which explain the entire
process to reactivate RS.
Anyone has the link?
or can explain the procedure?
Jerome.You may need to use rsconfig to reset that database connection if it is
having issues:
Here is an activation doc for the rsactivate utility:
Douglas McDowell
"Jéjé" <> wrote in message
> Hi,
> After I have upgraded my server, RS stop working .
> a.. The report server cannot decrypt the symmetric key used to access
> sensitive or encrypted data in a report server database. You must either
> restore a backup key or delete all encrypted content and then restart the
> service. Check the documentation for more information.
> (rsReportServerDisabled) Get Online Help
> a.. Bad Data.
> I have the Key (exported using the rskeymgmt utility)
> But I can't reapply the key:
> an "Unable to connect to the database" error appear when I try to reapply
> the key.
> I have lost a document on the Microsoft web site which explain the entire
> process to reactivate RS.
> Anyone has the link?
> or can explain the procedure?
> thanks
> Jerome.
>|||I think this is the key management article you are referring to...
"Jéjé" wrote:
> Hi,
> After I have upgraded my server, RS stop working .
> a.. The report server cannot decrypt the symmetric key used to access
> sensitive or encrypted data in a report server database. You must either
> restore a backup key or delete all encrypted content and then restart the
> service. Check the documentation for more information.
> (rsReportServerDisabled) Get Online Help
> a.. Bad Data.
> I have the Key (exported using the rskeymgmt utility)
> But I can't reapply the key:
> an "Unable to connect to the database" error appear when I try to reapply
> the key.
> I have lost a document on the Microsoft web site which explain the entire
> process to reactivate RS.
> Anyone has the link?
> or can explain the procedure?
> thanks
> Jerome.
>|||its ok
I'have found (or re-found ) the solution.
I have replaced the oledb32.dll file on the server by the 2.8 version
(instead-of the 2.7 version which is not upgraded during the Win2003
"Jéjé" <> wrote in message
> Hi,
> After I have upgraded my server, RS stop working .
> a.. The report server cannot decrypt the symmetric key used to access
> sensitive or encrypted data in a report server database. You must either
> restore a backup key or delete all encrypted content and then restart the
> service. Check the documentation for more information.
> (rsReportServerDisabled) Get Online Help
> a.. Bad Data.
> I have the Key (exported using the rskeymgmt utility)
> But I can't reapply the key:
> an "Unable to connect to the database" error appear when I try to reapply
> the key.
> I have lost a document on the Microsoft web site which explain the entire
> process to reactivate RS.
> Anyone has the link?
> or can explain the procedure?
> thanks
> Jerome.
RS Data Driven Subscription is out of control...
The subscription runs via the SQL Server Agent. You should be able to stop the agent which will stop the subscriptions from running. While stopped, you should be able to delete the subscription.
Please let me know if this helps. bradsyAtmicrosoftdotcom
|||Brad - I did try that but RS would not allow me to delete the subscription. I found another post though, that explained if I deleted from the ActiveSubscriptions and Notifications tables in ReportServer db I would be able to stop it from restarting. I tried that and it worked.Thanks for your help.
Please give me more details on the other post you used to find the answer.
RS Data Driven Subscription is out of control...
The subscription runs via the SQL Server Agent. You should be able to stop the agent which will stop the subscriptions from running. While stopped, you should be able to delete the subscription.
Please let me know if this helps. bradsyAtmicrosoftdotcom
|||Brad - I did try that but RS would not allow me to delete the subscription. I found another post though, that explained if I deleted from the ActiveSubscriptions and Notifications tables in ReportServer db I would be able to stop it from restarting. I tried that and it worked.Thanks for your help.
Please give me more details on the other post you used to find the answer.
RS Custom Toolbar
We are developing a custom toolbar with the export, zoom,find and
previous/next page browsing functionalities. How can we go about developing
the page browsing functionality?
MyQueryDesigner : Microsoft.ReportDesigner.Interfaces.IQueryDesigner
public Control ToolBar
from IQueryDesigner
"Priya" <> wrote in message
> Hi
> We are developing a custom toolbar with the export, zoom,find and
> previous/next page browsing functionalities. How can we go about
> the page browsing functionality?
> Thanks
RS creates Active Sessions too easily
of memory because too many Active Sessions are being generated.
We have a Reporting Service test utiltiy that we are trying to run over
night. It gathers up all the possible parameter combinations and runs all of
these. The trouble is the number of Active Sessions increases by one for
each report and eventually the server fails. We added the ability to
generate a script when the test utility runs.
The .rss is compiled and ran against a single rs instance, still a new
session for every report render.
This is the same report getting rendered over and over, just with different
Running the same report with the same parameters doesn't generate new Active
Running the reports from the RS Manager, I can change the parameters and not
get an additional Active Session, but when I switch reports and switch back
I get a new Active Session, once for the new report and once again when I
switch back to the report I was just on.
My guess is that this relates to the Web Service keeping my info in Session
State, and releasing it after 10 minutes.
Anyone with any ideas what I should do? I'd like to keep my session state
to 10 minutes, this same machine is used during the day by QA.
Here's my .rss code:
Dim ParentPath As String = "/" + ReportDir
Public Sub Main()
RunReport("myReport", "c:\temp\run1.pdf", "a,b,c", "1,2,3")
RunReport("myReport", "c:\temp\run2.pdf", "a,b,c", "4,5,6")
RunReport("myReport", "c:\temp\run3.pdf", "a,b,c", "4,5,6")
End Sub
Public Sub RunReport(ByVal reportName As String, ByVal FileName As String,
ByVal ParamNames As String, ByVal ParamValues As String)
Dim objReportResult As Byte()
Dim encoding As String
Dim mimeType As String
Dim rptParamsUsed As ParameterValue()
Dim warnings As Warning()
Dim streamIDs As String()
Dim fs As FileStream
Dim Names As String()
Dim Values As String()
Dim rptParamValues As ParameterValue()
Dim Counter As Integer
If ParamNames Is Nothing Then
rptParamValues = Nothing
Names = ParamNames.Split(",")
Values = ParamValues.Split(",")
ReDim rptParamValues(Names.Length - 1)
For Counter = 0 To Names.Length - 1
rptParamValues(Counter) = New ParameterValue()
rptParamValues(Counter).Name = Names(Counter)
rptParamValues(Counter).Value = Values(Counter)
Next Counter
End If
objReportResult = rs.Render(ParentPath + "/" + reportName, "PDF", Nothing,
Nothing, rptParamValues, Nothing, Nothing, encoding, mimeType,
rptParamsUsed, warnings, streamIDs)
fs = new FileStream(FileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate)
fs.Write(objReportResult, 0, objReportResult.Length)
Catch e As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Here's the documentation on MSRS 2005 Web Service Active Sessions:
Active Sessions
Number of active sessions. This counter provides a cumulative count of all
browser sessions generated from report subscriptions, whether they are still
active or not.
The counter is decremented as session records are removed. By default,
sessions are removed after ten minutes no activity.
Steve MunLeeuwEntered support incident, need to provide stack trace of error. Will do
tomorrow. Took about an hour to get the support incident set :)
"Steve MunLeeuw" <> wrote in message
> Problem: Can't run a script to test reports over night without running
> out of memory because too many Active Sessions are being generated.
> We have a Reporting Service test utiltiy that we are trying to run over
> night. It gathers up all the possible parameter combinations and runs all
> of these. The trouble is the number of Active Sessions increases by one
> for each report and eventually the server fails. We added the ability to
> generate a script when the test utility runs.
> The .rss is compiled and ran against a single rs instance, still a new
> session for every report render.
> This is the same report getting rendered over and over, just with
> different parameters.
> Running the same report with the same parameters doesn't generate new
> Active Sessions.
> Running the reports from the RS Manager, I can change the parameters and
> not get an additional Active Session, but when I switch reports and switch
> back I get a new Active Session, once for the new report and once again
> when I switch back to the report I was just on.
> My guess is that this relates to the Web Service keeping my info in
> Session State, and releasing it after 10 minutes.
> Anyone with any ideas what I should do? I'd like to keep my session state
> to 10 minutes, this same machine is used during the day by QA.
> Here's my .rss code:
> Dim ParentPath As String = "/" + ReportDir
> Public Sub Main()
> RunReport("myReport", "c:\temp\run1.pdf", "a,b,c", "1,2,3")
> RunReport("myReport", "c:\temp\run2.pdf", "a,b,c", "4,5,6")
> RunReport("myReport", "c:\temp\run3.pdf", "a,b,c", "4,5,6")
> End Sub
> Public Sub RunReport(ByVal reportName As String, ByVal FileName As String,
> ByVal ParamNames As String, ByVal ParamValues As String)
> Dim objReportResult As Byte()
> Dim encoding As String
> Dim mimeType As String
> Dim rptParamsUsed As ParameterValue()
> Dim warnings As Warning()
> Dim streamIDs As String()
> Dim fs As FileStream
> Dim Names As String()
> Dim Values As String()
> Dim rptParamValues As ParameterValue()
> Dim Counter As Integer
> If ParamNames Is Nothing Then
> rptParamValues = Nothing
> Else
> Names = ParamNames.Split(",")
> Values = ParamValues.Split(",")
> ReDim rptParamValues(Names.Length - 1)
> For Counter = 0 To Names.Length - 1
> rptParamValues(Counter) = New ParameterValue()
> rptParamValues(Counter).Name = Names(Counter)
> rptParamValues(Counter).Value = Values(Counter)
> Next Counter
> End If
> Try
> objReportResult = rs.Render(ParentPath + "/" + reportName, "PDF", Nothing,
> Nothing, rptParamValues, Nothing, Nothing, encoding, mimeType,
> rptParamsUsed, warnings, streamIDs)
> fs = new FileStream(FileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate)
> fs.Write(objReportResult, 0, objReportResult.Length)
> fs.Close()
> Catch e As Exception
> Console.WriteLine(e.Message)
> End Try
> End Sub
> Here's the documentation on MSRS 2005 Web Service Active Sessions:
> Active Sessions
> Number of active sessions. This counter provides a cumulative count of all
> browser sessions generated from report subscriptions, whether they are
> still active or not.
> The counter is decremented as session records are removed. By default,
> sessions are removed after ten minutes no activity.
> Steve MunLeeuw
RS Course 2030A, Creating Reporting Solutions - AdventureWorksDW
that's on the CD. RS came with AdventureWorks2000, but the course used
AdventureWorksDW, for which there's an .mdf, but when I create a new db, all
I get are the sys files.
How to I set up this database? All I see on the course disk is the .mdf, an
.sql to build it, and a bat file to run the setup. But being a programmer
only, with no experience in RS, except the intro course, which had all files
already installed on the training workstations and server, I can't put this
The course book starts with a report on AdventureWorksDW.
The book comes with a CD with a db shell on it, plus a .sql to build the
objects, plus a .bat file containing:
isql.exe -i adventureworks.sql -E
isql.exe -i executionLog.sql -E
I did set up the database in my Enterprise Mgr, but it is just the sys files.
I tried executing the .bat, which uses the .sql.
I also tried running the sql from qry analyzer, but both tries failed.
I do not know how to get the tables built other than copying the .sql into
qry analyzer. I believe the error was that the server did not exist was not
My server is my local machine, using its computer Name.
I was able to connect to an existing sql database on my machine.
MichaelMI believe you may also run the SQL 2005 samples install to get the
AdventureWorksDW, the DW is for Data Warehouse. If you have the following
folder you may run the sql scipt to create and populate the database.
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Samples\AdventureWorks Data
"Michael Miller" <> wrote in message
>I am trying to review my course, but I can't get a particular db set up,
> that's on the CD. RS came with AdventureWorks2000, but the course used
> AdventureWorksDW, for which there's an .mdf, but when I create a new db,
> all
> I get are the sys files.
> How to I set up this database? All I see on the course disk is the .mdf,
> an
> .sql to build it, and a bat file to run the setup. But being a programmer
> only, with no experience in RS, except the intro course, which had all
> files
> already installed on the training workstations and server, I can't put
> this
> together.
> Details:
> The course book starts with a report on AdventureWorksDW.
> The book comes with a CD with a db shell on it, plus a .sql to build the
> objects, plus a .bat file containing:
> isql.exe -i adventureworks.sql -E
> isql.exe -i executionLog.sql -E
> I did set up the database in my Enterprise Mgr, but it is just the sys
> files.
> I tried executing the .bat, which uses the .sql.
> I also tried running the sql from qry analyzer, but both tries failed.
> I do not know how to get the tables built other than copying the .sql into
> qry analyzer. I believe the error was that the server did not exist was
> not
> available.
> My server is my local machine, using its computer Name.
> I was able to connect to an existing sql database on my machine.
> --
> MichaelM|||Has been resolved. I found DW on the web and figured out from various
instructions, how to attach the DW.mdf to my existing SqlDB. It worked for
the first demo. Don't know if it will work for all exercises, but it is a
See ***MDM-Below:
"Steve MunLeeuw" wrote:
> I believe you may also run the SQL 2005 samples install to get the
> AdventureWorksDW, the DW is for Data Warehouse.
***MDM-Sorry, forgot to tell you that's it's SQL 2000 and RS 2000.
<RS came with AdventureWorks2000>
If you have the following
> folder you may run the sql scipt to create and populate the database.
> C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Samples\AdventureWorks Data
> Warehouse
***MDM-I don't
> "Michael Miller" <> wrote in message
> >I am trying to review my course, but I can't get a particular db set up,
> > that's on the CD. RS came with AdventureWorks2000, but the course used
> > AdventureWorksDW, for which there's an .mdf, but when I create a new db,
> > all
> > I get are the sys files.
> >
> > How to I set up this database? All I see on the course disk is the .mdf,
> > an
> > .sql to build it, and a bat file to run the setup. But being a programmer
> > only, with no experience in RS, except the intro course, which had all
> > files
> > already installed on the training workstations and server, I can't put
> > this
> > together.
> >
> > Details:
> > The course book starts with a report on AdventureWorksDW.
> > The book comes with a CD with a db shell on it, plus a .sql to build the
> > objects, plus a .bat file containing:
> > isql.exe -i adventureworks.sql -E
> > isql.exe -i executionLog.sql -E
> >
> > I did set up the database in my Enterprise Mgr, but it is just the sys
> > files.
> > I tried executing the .bat, which uses the .sql.
> > I also tried running the sql from qry analyzer, but both tries failed.
> > I do not know how to get the tables built other than copying the .sql into
> > qry analyzer. I believe the error was that the server did not exist was
> > not
> > available.
> > My server is my local machine, using its computer Name.
> >
> > I was able to connect to an existing sql database on my machine.
> > --
> > MichaelM
RS Configuration
The main difference I can see in these installations is that the one that won't work is on Win2000 Server. So, I guess the one question that springs to mind is: is there something inherently different about the IIS or ASP that I (or IT) needs to configure differently on this server? If not, any other assistance would be greatly appreciated.
ThanksThis is an issue with Windows 2000. Have a look at this thread. I hope the tips listed there will help.
RS communication with SQL Server
I have a question about the communications between Reporting Server
and SQL server works, when using the drill down funtion:
Does the RS requests all the data from the SQL Server at the first
time the client opens the report (not expanded in the first step), or
If the user does a drill down now, how does it work in the backend:
a.) client - RS - client [a lot of data allready stored in RS]
b.) client - RS - SQL Server - RS - Client [every request from the
user needs a communication between RS and SQL Server]
Thanks for your help!
Best regards,
RS doesn't download the whole report to the client for reports with
interactive features (drilldown, toggled visibility, document maps), neither
it does for multi-page HTML reports. Instead, when the user expands a
section (or navigates to another page) a subsequent HTTP-GET request is
fired. Hence, report with interactive features require URL access.
Hope this helps.
Teo Lachev, MCSD, MCT
Author: "Microsoft Reporting Services in Action"
Publisher website:
Buy it from
Home page and blog:
"Dietmar B" <> wrote in message
> Hallo,
> I have a question about the communications between Reporting Server
> and SQL server works, when using the drill down funtion:
> Does the RS requests all the data from the SQL Server at the first
> time the client opens the report (not expanded in the first step), or
> not?
> If the user does a drill down now, how does it work in the backend:
> a.) client - RS - client [a lot of data allready stored in RS]
> b.) client - RS - SQL Server - RS - Client [every request from the
> user needs a communication between RS and SQL Server]
> Thanks for your help!
> Best regards,
> Dietmar
RS Charts - possible to add more types?
person during a given period. I'm using a "Simple Column" chart type. It
works nicely. But I'm quite sure that our customer wants a different chart
type, that can be found in Excel 2003. It's a 3D Column chart, that shows
the different values related to each other. Not stacked, but as columns
behind each other. There is no such chart in Reporting Services SP1.
Is it possible to add more chart types to RS SP1? How? Or is it possible to
hand code the RDL file to create a view that is like what the customer
The person in charge is very probably going to ask me about the layout of
the chart, so I just want to check...
Kaisa M. LindahlRS 2000 does not provide any additional chart types. However, it allows you
to use so-called static categories when you hand-code (!) the RDL file. Keep
in mind - a chart works similar to a matrix - static categories would be
static column groupings in a matrix. Chart series groupings are comparable
to row groupings in a matrix. It may be useful to first play with the data
in a matrix till you have the right structure, and then generate the chart
RDL from there. You may be interested in carefully reading this related
In your case it sounds like you are looking for the ability to use static
categories in the chart. You will find a trivial example at the bottom of
this posting. Note: the report designer layout mode does not support static
categories - if you modify the layout it will reserialize the RDL and remove
static categories from the chart.
Robert M. Bruckner
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
All code samples are provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either
express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of
merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.
"Kaisa M. Lindahl" <> wrote in message
> I'm creating a chart showing different types of work hours registered per
> person during a given period. I'm using a "Simple Column" chart type. It
> works nicely. But I'm quite sure that our customer wants a different chart
> type, that can be found in Excel 2003. It's a 3D Column chart, that shows
> the different values related to each other. Not stacked, but as columns
> behind each other. There is no such chart in Reporting Services SP1.
> Is it possible to add more chart types to RS SP1? How? Or is it possible
> hand code the RDL file to create a view that is like what the customer
> wants?
> The person in charge is very probably going to ask me about the layout of
> the chart, so I just want to check...
> Kaisa M. Lindahl
===================================================<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Chart Name="chart1">
<DataLabel />
<Marker />
<DataLabel />
<Title />
<Title />
<Grouping Name="chart1_SeriesGroup1">
<Label />
<Title />
<Style />
<DataSource Name="Northwind">
<DataSet Name="DataSet1">
<Field Name="FY2004">
<Field Name="FY2005">
<Field Name="Series">
<CommandText>select 191 as FY2004, 195 as FY2005, 'A' as Series
union all
select 188 as FY2004, 183 as FY2005, 'B' as Series</CommandText>
RS Certification
Does Microsoft Provide Certification in RS.Where do i find the
information for the same.
Thanks,I think RS is part of the SQL Server BI certification.
Brian Welcker
Group Program Manager
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
"CCP" <> wrote in message
> Hi,
> Does Microsoft Provide Certification in RS.Where do i find the
> information for the same.
> Thanks,
RS can't handle the load -- How can I lower concurrent requests?
reports 8 at a time (according to the Performance Counter), and can't handle
the load. It writes out four or so, then hangs for an hour, occasionally
writing a successful report or failing a request with a "rendering error" or
a "write failure".
Last month we had a much smaller volume of data. This month it's not working
How do I set the number of concurrent requests that RS tries to run?You can set the MaxQueueThreads element in the RSReportServer.config file.
0 is the default and means RS will attempt to figure out the amount to load.
Any other number is the max number that RS will process at one time.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
"AJ Cohen" <AJCohen@.nospam.nospam> wrote in message
> I'm running a report schedule with 400 reports on it. RS is trying to run
> the
> reports 8 at a time (according to the Performance Counter), and can't
> handle
> the load. It writes out four or so, then hangs for an hour, occasionally
> writing a successful report or failing a request with a "rendering error"
> or
> a "write failure".
> Last month we had a much smaller volume of data. This month it's not
> working
> properly.
> How do I set the number of concurrent requests that RS tries to run?
RS by SQL Express
Dear Friends
I installed RS by SQL Express, but i have a problem, RS was installed in W2003 server and i try to connect by Dataset to other DB, this is a SQL2000 in W2000, when i disigned the report and i see the view the report show me the result, but when i deploy teh report and i try to see by web the report dont respond and show the error "The dataset don;t connect or this function isn't disponible in this version", why is the problem, and who i resolve this problem.
Tahnk you
RS Express could only run report against the local data source. To use remote data source, you will need standard/enterprise edition.
RS Bug? Multi-Page problem after many attempts...
In using the rs.render function (soap) and sending a report to the printer
programatically as an emf file, for months, if the report goes beyond one
page in length, none of the controls (textboxes, images, data missing from
printed textboxes) I set as "repeat on every page" gets printed. First of
all, I've tried settings for the data areas that do get printed (details rows
and footer only) and that selection just doesn't work. I would be happy to
send or upload the report for examination (any help is much appreciated).
Does Microsoft have a fix for this, or is the workaround just not obvious?
Trinity Smith
c#/vb.Net Developer
EcoQuest, Intl.Trint,
We are experiencing the exact same problems. We've thought about rendering
as a Tiff, but image quality decreases. Have you received any feedback on
this issue from Microsoft?
Please pass on any info you have found as it would be greatly appreciated.
"TrintCSD" wrote:
> Ok,
> In using the rs.render function (soap) and sending a report to the printer
> programatically as an emf file, for months, if the report goes beyond one
> page in length, none of the controls (textboxes, images, data missing from
> printed textboxes) I set as "repeat on every page" gets printed. First of
> all, I've tried settings for the data areas that do get printed (details rows
> and footer only) and that selection just doesn't work. I would be happy to
> send or upload the report for examination (any help is much appreciated).
> Does Microsoft have a fix for this, or is the workaround just not obvious?
> Thanks,
> Trint
> --
> Trinity Smith
> c#/vb.Net Developer
> EcoQuest, Intl.
RS bug
1. ReportManager
2. Report Properties
3. Execution
when I once change defult option
"Do not cache temporary copies of this report"
"Cache a temporary copy of the report. Expire copy of report after a
number of minutes"
then I can not get back to first, defult option.
I can choose one but after selecting Apply button nothing happens.
KamelNothing has changed in SP2 on this page. Do you see a script error in IE?
Brian Welcker
Group Program Manager
Microsoft SQL Server
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
"kamel" <> wrote in message
>I think I've found small bug.
> 1. ReportManager
> 2. Report Properties
> 3. Execution
> when I once change defult option
> "Do not cache temporary copies of this report"
> to
> "Cache a temporary copy of the report. Expire copy of report after a
> number of minutes"
> then I can not get back to first, defult option.
> I can choose one but after selecting Apply button nothing happens.
> Kamel
>|||ok, this is IE error
IE restart solved the problem
RS Backup
I have SQL Reporting Services SP1 standard edition and I am trying to
develop a disaster recovery process.
The challange that I have is I don't know how to restore a new server using
exsting backup. The Reporting Services installation program always try to
create a new database. How can I make it work with existing restored
AlanHi Alan,
From your descriptions, I understood that you would like to backup existing
database and restore it in another new machine. Have I understood you?
Correct me if I was wrong.
Based on my knowledge, there is a Knowledge Base article describes how to
move a Reporting Services database from a computer that is running
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services to another computer.
How to move a Reporting Services database from a computer that is running
Reporting Services to another computer
Thank you for your patience and corporation. If you have any questions or
concerns, don't hesitate to let me know. We are always here to be of
Sincerely yours,
Michael Cheng
Microsoft Online Partner Support
When responding to posts, please "Reply to Group" via your newsreader so
that others may learn and benefit from your issue.
=====================================================This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
RS Authoring over the Internet
create local users on the RS/IIS box, and create identical SQL logins so
remote users can build their DSN's for their reports.
Other ideas?
JeffFor one, use AD groups in SQL.|||Nope, doesn't work. Just tried it again to verify. I created a local user on
the box, added him to a local group, created a login for the group, and
added the login to the database role.
When trying to connect over the internet using ISQLW for example, I get
"login failed for user 'erstesting'". Native SQL logins work just fine.
"Jerry Nixon" <> wrote in message
> For one, use AD groups in SQL.
RS ASP.Net code
comes with Reporting Services is available for viewing somewhere?"no one" <> wrote in message
> Does anyone know if the source code for the ASP.Net application that
> comes with Reporting Services is available for viewing somewhere?
There are a few code samples included with RS, if that's what you're
referring to:
RS asking for credentials
Our app uses the new viewer control.
Right now every time the app asks for a report the RS is asking to login
Prior to today sometimes it would and sometimes it wouldn't.
We're on an intranet so anyone in the domain can run/view a report.
It seems like I've changed or missed some setting so RS doesn't as for
Can someone point me in the rightr direction.
Kyle!Sorry...meant SP1.
"Kyle Jedrusiak" <> wrote in message
> We have SP2 installed.
> Our app uses the new viewer control.
> Right now every time the app asks for a report the RS is asking to login
> credentials.
> Prior to today sometimes it would and sometimes it wouldn't.
> We're on an intranet so anyone in the domain can run/view a report.
> It seems like I've changed or missed some setting so RS doesn't as for
> credentials.
> Can someone point me in the rightr direction.
> Thanks
> Kyle!
RS architecture
I need to use a RS 2005 on a web farm ,
displaing the reports as part of my web application,
connected to asingle SS 2005.
Do I need to install RS on every web server ?
Do I need to pay for every instanse installed on the web farm ?
Liz.For a web farm you need license for SQL Server Enterprise Edition on each
web server and on the SQL Server Database. RS is a application that
uses SQL Server database as an object store (all reports, subscriptions, etc
are stored in the database).
Now, if you want to have a web farm that uses either URL integration or web
services to integrate with RS then you could have your application on a web
farm and RS on a single server (either the server with your database or on a
IIS box). Anyplace RS is installed you need a license. If you integrated
your app with RS and you have RS installed only on a single box then you
could use either standard or enterprise edition. A good link to check out:
Bruce Loehle-Conger
MVP SQL Server Reporting Services
"Liz Matyas" <> wrote in message
> Hi ,
> I need to use a RS 2005 on a web farm ,
> displaing the reports as part of my web application,
> connected to asingle SS 2005.
> Do I need to install RS on every web server ?
> Do I need to pay for every instanse installed on the web farm ?
> 10x,
> Liz.
RS App tier vs. SQL DB tier, mixing cumulative updates
updating our RS app tier to a different SQL SP2 cumulative update
level than our SQL DB tier? A higher cumulative update obviously.
Currently our AppTier is SSRS 2005 SP2 and our DB tier is SQL 2005
KelI don't see any issue at all. You can have the metadata/object cache on SQL
2000. If RS doesn't care if the database is 2000 it sure wouldn't care if it
a slightly different SQL 2005.
I ran for 6 months with RS 2005 using SQL 2000 so I know this works.
Bruce Loehle-Conger
MVP SQL Server Reporting Services
<> wrote in message
> Does anyone know if it is possible or if any issues will be seen by
> updating our RS app tier to a different SQL SP2 cumulative update
> level than our SQL DB tier? A higher cumulative update obviously.
> Currently our AppTier is SSRS 2005 SP2 and our DB tier is SQL 2005
> SP2.
> Thanks,
> Kel
RS and Windows Server 2003
Article about Custom Secirity Ex. All ist working fine on my XP Pro
Machine. Now I try to install all the stuff on a Win 2003 Server,
without the security extension everything is working, but when I my
security extension DLL to the bin directorys of the RS (all config files
are Configured the same as on my XP Machine) i am no able to access the
Report Mangager anymore. The UILogon.aspx apears and when I login with
my admin account I will be redirected again to the UILogon.aspx page.
In my log files i get the error message
CantCommunicateWithReportServerException. The Machine Name on the 2003
Server is set correctly in the conf files. Also i have added the NT
Anybody can say me what is doing wrong
HansBut the stragne thing is that i can Deploy the Reports using the RS
Designer from VS2003. So the RS seems running but the Problem is by the
Report Manager.
Anybody know where is the Problem.
Hans Meier wrote:
> I have developed a Forms Authemntication Application based on the MSDN
> Article about Custom Secirity Ex. All ist working fine on my XP Pro
> Machine. Now I try to install all the stuff on a Win 2003 Server,
> without the security extension everything is working, but when I my
> security extension DLL to the bin directorys of the RS (all config files
> are Configured the same as on my XP Machine) i am no able to access the
> Report Mangager anymore. The UILogon.aspx apears and when I login with
> my admin account I will be redirected again to the UILogon.aspx page.
> In my log files i get the error message
> CantCommunicateWithReportServerException. The Machine Name on the 2003
> Server is set correctly in the conf files. Also i have added the NT
> Anybody can say me what is doing wrong
> Thanks,
> Hans
RS and Subscription Mail Delivery
During installation of Reporting Services we didn't completed SMTP info.
Up to now thos info are really important for subsription delivery via mail.
I found an article in Technet describing which parameter configure in
RSWebApplication.config file to activate RS SMTP Service.
The config file is an XML format and i think i wrote it wrong because, even
if i restarted everything i don't have availability of mail delivery in
subscription configuration.
Someone could help me?
Can you show me an example of your config file if you correctly setted SMTP
info during setup?
Thanks in advance for your help.
StefanoHere is a working configuration (done after the install but that doesn't
matter). Note that I have the IP address of the server hardcoded. You should
not have to do this, you should be able to use the name. Note that most of
configurations are left blank. The IP address is the IP address of a SMTP
server that we have.
Bruce L-C
"Steph" <> wrote in message
> Hi Guy,
> During installation of Reporting Services we didn't completed SMTP info.
> Up to now thos info are really important for subsription delivery via
> I found an article in Technet describing which parameter configure in
> RSWebApplication.config file to activate RS SMTP Service.
> The config file is an XML format and i think i wrote it wrong because,
> if i restarted everything i don't have availability of mail delivery in
> subscription configuration.
> Someone could help me?
> Can you show me an example of your config file if you correctly setted
> info during setup?
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Ciao
> Stefano
>|||Thanks Bruce,
But i have an additional request for you.....where i have to place those
line in the file.
My config file is actually done in this way:
<Extension Name="Report Server Email"
<Extension Name="Report Server FileShare"
<Add Key="MaxActiveReqForOneUser" Value="20"/>
<Add Key="DisplayErrorLink" Value="true"/>
Thanks and Ciao
Stefano|||Did you start editing and deleting lines. Yours looks different. For
instance. I have <Delivery> and you have <DeliveryUI>
When I went in and manually modified entries for email I did not have to add
any lines, I just edited lines that were there.
Do you have your original file?
Bruce L-C
"Steph" <> wrote in message
> Thanks Bruce,
> But i have an additional request for you.....where i have to place those
> line in the file.
> My config file is actually done in this way:
> <Configuration>
> <UI>
> <ReportServerUrl>http://SQLLUCEPLAN/ReportServer</ReportServerUrl>
> </UI>
> <Extensions>
> <DeliveryUI>
> <Extension Name="Report Server Email"
> rControl,ReportingServicesEmailDeliveryProvider">
> <DefaultDeliveryExtension>True</DefaultDeliveryExtension>
> <Configuration>
> <RSEmailDPConfiguration>
> <DefaultRenderingExtension>MHTML</DefaultRenderingExtension>
> </RSEmailDPConfiguration>
> </Configuration>
> </Extension>
> <Extension Name="Report Server FileShare"
> ol,ReportingServicesFileShareDeliveryProvider">
> <Configuration>
> <FileShare>
> <DefaultRenderingExtension>MHTML</DefaultRenderingExtension>
> </FileShare>
> </Configuration>
> </Extension>
> </DeliveryUI>
> </Extensions>
> <Add Key="MaxActiveReqForOneUser" Value="20"/>
> <Add Key="DisplayErrorLink" Value="true"/>
> </Configuration>
> Thanks and Ciao
> Stefano
>|||Stefano is looking the wrong file. Look in the RSReportServer.config file
for the elements that Bruce was mentioning.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
"Bruce Loehle-Conger" <> wrote in message
> Did you start editing and deleting lines. Yours looks different. For
> instance. I have <Delivery> and you have <DeliveryUI>
> When I went in and manually modified entries for email I did not have to
> any lines, I just edited lines that were there.
> Do you have your original file?
> Bruce L-C
> "Steph" <> wrote in message
> news:et1NN7naEHA.1152@.TK2MSFTNGP09.phx.gbl...
> > Thanks Bruce,
> > But i have an additional request for you.....where i have to place
> > line in the file.
> > My config file is actually done in this way:
> >
> > <Configuration>
> > <UI>
> > <ReportServerUrl>http://SQLLUCEPLAN/ReportServer</ReportServerUrl>
> > </UI>
> > <Extensions>
> > <DeliveryUI>
> > <Extension Name="Report Server Email"
> >
> > rControl,ReportingServicesEmailDeliveryProvider">
> > <DefaultDeliveryExtension>True</DefaultDeliveryExtension>
> > <Configuration>
> > <RSEmailDPConfiguration>
> > <DefaultRenderingExtension>MHTML</DefaultRenderingExtension>
> > </RSEmailDPConfiguration>
> > </Configuration>
> > </Extension>
> > <Extension Name="Report Server FileShare"
> >
> > ol,ReportingServicesFileShareDeliveryProvider">
> > <Configuration>
> > <FileShare>
> > <DefaultRenderingExtension>MHTML</DefaultRenderingExtension>
> > </FileShare>
> > </Configuration>
> > </Extension>
> > </DeliveryUI>
> > </Extensions>
> > <Add Key="MaxActiveReqForOneUser" Value="20"/>
> > <Add Key="DisplayErrorLink" Value="true"/>
> > </Configuration>
> >
> > Thanks and Ciao
> > Stefano
> >
> >
>|||Ahh. Great. Thanks for jumping in.
Bruce L-C
"Daniel Reib [MSFT]" <> wrote in message
> Stefano is looking the wrong file. Look in the RSReportServer.config file
> for the elements that Bruce was mentioning.
> --
> -Daniel
> This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no
> "Bruce Loehle-Conger" <> wrote in message
> news:uCTlpxoaEHA.1000@.TK2MSFTNGP12.phx.gbl...
> > Did you start editing and deleting lines. Yours looks different. For
> > instance. I have <Delivery> and you have <DeliveryUI>
> >
> > When I went in and manually modified entries for email I did not have to
> add
> > any lines, I just edited lines that were there.
> >
> > Do you have your original file?
> >
> > Bruce L-C
> >
> > "Steph" <> wrote in message
> > news:et1NN7naEHA.1152@.TK2MSFTNGP09.phx.gbl...
> > > Thanks Bruce,
> > > But i have an additional request for you.....where i have to place
> those
> > > line in the file.
> > > My config file is actually done in this way:
> > >
> > > <Configuration>
> > > <UI>
> > > <ReportServerUrl>http://SQLLUCEPLAN/ReportServer</ReportServerUrl>
> > > </UI>
> > > <Extensions>
> > > <DeliveryUI>
> > > <Extension Name="Report Server Email"
> > >
> >
> > > rControl,ReportingServicesEmailDeliveryProvider">
> > > <DefaultDeliveryExtension>True</DefaultDeliveryExtension>
> > > <Configuration>
> > > <RSEmailDPConfiguration>
> > > <DefaultRenderingExtension>MHTML</DefaultRenderingExtension>
> > > </RSEmailDPConfiguration>
> > > </Configuration>
> > > </Extension>
> > > <Extension Name="Report Server FileShare"
> > >
> >
> > > ol,ReportingServicesFileShareDeliveryProvider">
> > > <Configuration>
> > > <FileShare>
> > > <DefaultRenderingExtension>MHTML</DefaultRenderingExtension>
> > > </FileShare>
> > > </Configuration>
> > > </Extension>
> > > </DeliveryUI>
> > > </Extensions>
> > > <Add Key="MaxActiveReqForOneUser" Value="20"/>
> > > <Add Key="DisplayErrorLink" Value="true"/>
> > > </Configuration>
> > >
> > > Thanks and Ciao
> > > Stefano
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
>|||Thanks for your help.
I've done the settings and everything looks good except when you try to
confirm subscription or change the schedule i get an error telling that the
value for the field StartDateTime is not valid for this field. It's
impposible to convert string value in the requested type.
Can you help me again?
Thanks in advance!
Stefano|||Are you doing this from Report Manager? Or are you controlling the
subscription via web services. My suggestion is to first do it from Report
Manager to make sure everything is setup correctly. If this is via web
services then I can't help you, no experience with them.
Bruce L-C
"Steph" <> wrote in message
> Thanks for your help.
> I've done the settings and everything looks good except when you try to
> confirm subscription or change the schedule i get an error telling that
> value for the field StartDateTime is not valid for this field. It's
> impposible to convert string value in the requested type.
> Can you help me again?
> Thanks in advance!
> Stefano
>|||Hi Bruce,
I don't use web services, i do entirely from report manager.
"Bruce Loehle-Conger" <> wrote in message
> Are you doing this from Report Manager? Or are you controlling the
> subscription via web services. My suggestion is to first do it from Report
> Manager to make sure everything is setup correctly. If this is via web
> services then I can't help you, no experience with them.
> Bruce L-C
> "Steph" <> wrote in message
> news:ee$VbtxaEHA.3944@.tk2msftngp13.phx.gbl...
> > Thanks for your help.
> > I've done the settings and everything looks good except when you try to
> > confirm subscription or change the schedule i get an error telling that
> the
> > value for the field StartDateTime is not valid for this field. It's
> > impposible to convert string value in the requested type.
> > Can you help me again?
> > Thanks in advance!
> > Stefano
> >
> >
>|||OK, I was confused. Have you tested the report standalone. This seems to me
to be a report parameter problem. Is the report parameter of date data type
(instead of string)
Bruce L-C
"Steph" <> wrote in message
> Hi Bruce,
> I don't use web services, i do entirely from report manager.
> Ciao
> Stefano
> "Bruce Loehle-Conger" <> wrote in message
> news:OzfAkrzaEHA.2340@.TK2MSFTNGP09.phx.gbl...
> > Are you doing this from Report Manager? Or are you controlling the
> > subscription via web services. My suggestion is to first do it from
> > Manager to make sure everything is setup correctly. If this is via web
> > services then I can't help you, no experience with them.
> >
> > Bruce L-C
> >
> > "Steph" <> wrote in message
> > news:ee$VbtxaEHA.3944@.tk2msftngp13.phx.gbl...
> > > Thanks for your help.
> > > I've done the settings and everything looks good except when you try
> > > confirm subscription or change the schedule i get an error telling
> > the
> > > value for the field StartDateTime is not valid for this field. It's
> > > impposible to convert string value in the requested type.
> > > Can you help me again?
> > > Thanks in advance!
> > > Stefano
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
>|||It doesn't have any parameter......and it works perfectly!
If can help in your problem solving, before inserting the line to activate
e-mail delivey, cliccking on scheduling to have a schedule for save the
report on disk, scheduling was working perfectly!
"Bruce Loehle-Conger" <> wrote in message
> OK, I was confused. Have you tested the report standalone. This seems to
> to be a report parameter problem. Is the report parameter of date data
> (instead of string)
> Bruce L-C
> "Steph" <> wrote in message
> news:uwIP%23zzaEHA.3716@.TK2MSFTNGP11.phx.gbl...
> > Hi Bruce,
> > I don't use web services, i do entirely from report manager.
> > Ciao
> > Stefano
> >
> > "Bruce Loehle-Conger" <> wrote in message
> > news:OzfAkrzaEHA.2340@.TK2MSFTNGP09.phx.gbl...
> > > Are you doing this from Report Manager? Or are you controlling the
> > > subscription via web services. My suggestion is to first do it from
> Report
> > > Manager to make sure everything is setup correctly. If this is via web
> > > services then I can't help you, no experience with them.
> > >
> > > Bruce L-C
> > >
> > > "Steph" <> wrote in message
> > > news:ee$VbtxaEHA.3944@.tk2msftngp13.phx.gbl...
> > > > Thanks for your help.
> > > > I've done the settings and everything looks good except when you try
> to
> > > > confirm subscription or change the schedule i get an error telling
> that
> > > the
> > > > value for the field StartDateTime is not valid for this field. It's
> > > > impposible to convert string value in the requested type.
> > > > Can you help me again?
> > > > Thanks in advance!
> > > > Stefano
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >