Friday, March 23, 2012

RS2005 Report Paper / Page / Scaling - Setup

I've a report with more than 20 columns in it. I want to print this
report in "1 page wide/Multi page tall" scaling & also in "Legal paper
- Landscape orientation". I was able to set the Landscape in the Page
setup, but not the scaling/Paper selection! Is there any way to do this
setting for each report in RS? Right now, the columns are getting
printed in multiple pages.
Actually I've this report in Excel as well. As you know, in excel I can
set the "Print Area and all the Page setup" through a macro which is
running properly. Now, I cannot ask the users to generate the report in
RS and export the report to Excel, then set the "Print Area & Page
setup" & then Print it, which I don't think they'll buy it. I also dont
want to have a separate front-end in .Net or something else to do this
Is there any way to do this in RS 2005?
GaneshThe only way I have managed to do this is programmatically. I get the
report as a Metafile image using the webservice and can then print this
image scaled to the paper afterwards.
"Ganesh" <> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I've a report with more than 20 columns in it. I want to print this
> report in "1 page wide/Multi page tall" scaling & also in "Legal paper
> - Landscape orientation". I was able to set the Landscape in the Page
> setup, but not the scaling/Paper selection! Is there any way to do this
> setting for each report in RS? Right now, the columns are getting
> printed in multiple pages.
> Actually I've this report in Excel as well. As you know, in excel I can
> set the "Print Area and all the Page setup" through a macro which is
> running properly. Now, I cannot ask the users to generate the report in
> RS and export the report to Excel, then set the "Print Area & Page
> setup" & then Print it, which I don't think they'll buy it. I also dont
> want to have a separate front-end in .Net or something else to do this
> setup!
> Is there any way to do this in RS 2005?
> Thanks,
> Ganesh
>|||Thanks Craig!
Can't we do this any other reporting tool? How about in Crystal
Reports. I remember doing this when I was on Crystal Reports a year
back. Is there no other way to do this? I can't sell RS to my users
(who are very comfortable with Excel 2000) without this option.
or Can you tell me how you did this programmatically to get report as a
Metafile and print it?
Thank you!|||Hi All,
Can anyone please tell me whether this is not possible at all in
RS2005, so that I don't have to waste much time in searching for this
all over the net?

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