Friday, March 23, 2012

RS2005: Datetime-Parameter-Problem, only(!) on server

we are facing a datetime-parameter-problem, that does not occur during
preview but when the report is deployed to the server:
We have the following situation:
Report A:
Parameter: Date (Datetime with picker), some other string parameters
Report B:
Parameter: Date (Datetime with picker), some other string parameters
Now wie navigate from some table field from ReportA to ReportB with the
following parameter-mapping:
In the preview and the local debug, everything works fine, but as soon as
the reports are executed on the server, day and month are swapped!
On the client there is a german WindowsXP and on the server an english
WindowsXP. What is the problem and what can we do?
RalphCan you change the client from German to English? It sure sounds like
that's your problem. If you can't, then you'll need to find a way to
format your date in the English-US (mmddyyy) instead of (ddmmyyyy).|||Hi tool man,
many thanks for your reply.
The problem is that I can't tell in advance if the server system, the sql
server 2005 on the system are german or english, and we have definitely
clients with different language settings and different browsers in different
Any ideas? Many thanks in advance,
"toolman" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Can you change the client from German to English? It sure sounds like
> that's your problem. If you can't, then you'll need to find a way to
> format your date in the English-US (mmddyyy) instead of (ddmmyyyy).

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